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NCR 5362 (P77 solo) - Pick Failure

Добавлено: 03 сен 2014, 05:13

I am getting "Too Many Pick Failures" error in NCR 5362 ATM with NID presenter. Had replaced NID Presenter, NID Dispenser Control Board & Aria Pick Module. Still same error, not even picking single note from any cassettes. Software Aptra 03.02. Attached Device log file copied after replacing NID presenter & Pick Module. Problem not solved. need Tech advice.

Re: NCR 5362 (P77 solo) - Pick Failure

Добавлено: 03 сен 2014, 07:02
Learn Bill Parameters is the Error 13 in the 1st MData.

Put 100 bills in each cassette, configure type of the notes, and goes to configuration NCR Cassettes. It may extract until 40 bills for each denomination.

If don't take any bill, or not configure corretly, I will try replace LVDT unit.

Try it!
Good Luck!

Re: NCR 5362 (P77 solo) - Pick Failure

Добавлено: 03 сен 2014, 07:24

Is it picking notes from cassettes and then rejecting them into a purge bin, then it would be LVDT,
if it is not picking from cassettes then check the pressure in vacuum tubes. Usually it is a lack of vacuum responsible for not picking notes from any cassettes


Re: NCR 5362 (P77 solo) - Pick Failure

Добавлено: 03 сен 2014, 11:46

Vacuum is ok but solenoid is not geting 24V DC, there is no pressure from solenoid.

Re: NCR 5362 (P77 solo) - Pick Failure

Добавлено: 03 сен 2014, 17:41

What kind of pick module you have installed?
Is it Angel (with pumps on it) or is it Aria?