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[Request] VSDC Document

Добавлено: 19 авг 2013, 20:52
I will development in EMV technology.
But i didn't had specification of VSDC.
Somebody can be get technical specification of VSDC in this link please.
https://technologypartner.visa.com/Libr ... tions.aspx

Re: [Request] VSDC Document

Добавлено: 20 авг 2013, 00:56
arm602, you need to become a Visa certified partner and pay a license fee to get access to the VSDC specifications. Since the overall costs of this starts from 4500 USD, I don't think you'll find these specifications in the free access.
Moreover, how do you plan to certify in VISA your EMV software, which will be developed by using of VISA specifications and without getting a license for such specifications from VISA?